Holistic Intolerances / Allergies

Through muscle response testing we can detect what emotional and physical substances the cells are not recognizing. Discover where in our body the stress is holding, what cells and organs are affected. Easily know the root of where and when the stress began as to understand and eliminate symptoms. We eliminate stress by recognizing, forgiving, accepting, letting go and moving on. Once the cells release the stress the immune system can once again recognize all substances as they should. The cells reprogram to their natural state. Resolving the emotional and physical issues together from the root is the key to enabling the body to find homeostasis.

Stressor Testing / Muscle Response Testing

Biofeedback Analysis is a highly effective health screening procedure used to obtain information from the body to determine what is needed in order to heal itself. A particular muscle is isolated and exposed to a specific substance to determine either a positive or negative response. A weakness in the indicator muscles reveals a disruption in the energy flow. An increase of strength in the indicator muscle confirms the body's ability to process the substance being tested. — Needles are not required.

The cells in our body's immune system receive and process information, external and internal stimuli in the form of energetic frequencies. Physical and emotional stress creates a response within the immune system which will cause the cells to stop receiving information. Whatever the (physical and emotional) information received in that moment of stress will become stuck or programmed in our cellular memory. Our cells are composed mostly of light, water and energy. Information travels through light waves and water will hold energetic frequency. If the immune system cells do not recognize the frequency, because they see it as a stress or foreign, they will try to eliminate the stress from the cells. The natural elimination processes of the body are tears, sweat, saliva, urine and feces. Emotionally our body tries to eliminate stress by talking about it, over thinking about it, crying and writing. Naturally our bodies try to eliminate stress from our cells. If the cells cannot eliminate all of the stress through natural body processes, it will gravitate to organs and body parts that match or resonate with that frequency and store it. This is how we see physical and emotional symptoms.