Lucia Light No*3

Is a hypnagogic light machine. It is not a medical treatment or a therapeutic device. The Lucia Light No*3 is a highly advanced meditation tool. The pulsing white LED lights activate the pineal gland, creating theta and gamma brain wave states. Allowing the traveler to fall into deep meditative states in a matter of minutes without practice or training.

Meditation may hold the answers of the universe and who we are. Hypnagogic trance is the state of consciousness between wake and sleeping. It is often experienced just before we wake, fall asleep or in deep meditative states. When we are in this state the brain waves are in theta and gamma. This has been measured with EEG (electroencephalogram) in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work. By taking measurements in thousands of people while meditating there is new scientific data that shows meditating can create coherence in the brain and the heart. This allows us to be present, to transcend our bodies, our environment and time in-order to reach the sweet spot of the generous present moment. The word meditation means to become familiar with. 

Heart Coherence

The benefits of heart coherence are numerous; lower blood pressure, improved nervous system and hormonal balance and improved brain function. The bottom line is if you can maintain and sustain elevated emotional states, independent of the conditions in your external environment, you can access higher intuitive states. This can result in a better understanding of ourselves and others, help prevent stressful patterns that occur in our life, increase mental clarity, and promote better discernment. It all begins with the creation of heart coherence through cultivating, practicing, and sustaining elevated emotions like gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, inspiration, freedom, kindness, care, compassion, love, and the joy for existence. These are feelings that fill us up and make us feel wholeness, connectedness, and oneness. If we practice feeling elevated emotions every day, who knows—it might just become how we normally feel. When our heart is open, we are more intuitive, more patient, more connected, more present, more forgiving, and more knowing. That’s why I like to say the brain thinks, but the heart knows. - Dr. Joe Dispenza


Reconnective Healing

is paired with the Lucia Light

Reconnective Healing is a return to an optimal state of balance. It is the result of interacting with the fully comprehensive Reconnective Healing spectrum of frequencies that consists of Energy, Light & Information™.

Its first basic element is energy. Energy is everything we are made up of organically, our very essence and our actual physical body. Light is the resonance and communication within these frequencies between the universe and us. Information comes through the very interaction and entrainment with the energy and the light.

It’s tangible, measurable… you can actually feel it. 

Reconnective Healing completely transcends traditional energy healing techniques as it allows us to let go of the concept and approach of technique itself. It is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on symptoms. It is something much, much more. In Re-connective Healing we do not diagnose or treat. We simply interact with the Re-connective Healing Frequencies, bringing about healings that are often instantaneous and tend to be life long.

While science continues to explore how it works, Reconnective Healing has been confirmed and documented in more than a dozen international studies. When Re-connective Healing Frequencies entrain with our energy body we emit and vibrate at a higher level of light. This has been shown to restructure our DNA, resulting in the emission of measurably higher levels of bio-photonic light. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller says that when information carried through the Re-connective Healing Frequencies is introduced, it creates coherence and order. In other words, greater harmony and balance within us.