About Kory Monteith and Golden Clear

When asked about what inspired her to go into the healing profession, Kory Monteith's face becomes thoughtful as she ponders her many reasons for wanting to help others.

Her own health journey hasn’t always been easy and her story is one that many have experienced on the road to recovery.

“Growing up, I remember that I always seemed to be sick both with chronic and non-chronic conditions,” Kory says. “In my late teens I was getting sicker and sicker and had no idea why.”

Kory’s health was deteriorating as a young adult. That meant frequent trips to the doctor and many days of feeling unwell – in body, mind and spirit. It was something that she and her family dealt with the best way they could at the time, but she eventually wanted to know more and take control of her health. “When I was 19, I finally went and had food allergy testing and it was then that I learned that I had Celiac disease, along with a host of allergies or sensitivities to other foods.”

Celiac disease is a serious condition that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. Many people suffer from the condition, but are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications.

“I looked at the Celiac disease website, and I had all of the symptoms on the list and on the secondary list.” While much is known about the disease now, at the time of her diagnosis, Kory says not much was known about the condition.

“The next four or five years were really challenging for me,” she says. “There was no cure for the disease. I had to cut it out of my diet completely. I couldn’t go out to eat, I couldn’t drink alcohol, and I had a horrible few years of being really sick from finding gluten in unexpected foods, like almond milk.”

Because this time in her life came well before the “gluten-free revolution” we have seen in society over the past few years, Kory felt that there were not a lot of options to help her take control of her health.

Through her employment with a school board, Kory came to know a nurse who was familiar with a young boy that suffered with a sever dairy allergy. This had led the boy and his family to try out holistic allergy testing and therapy Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination (BIE).

 BIE is a natural approach that uses a low electronic frequency, directed onto various acupressure points (without the use of needles), on the body to stimulate and clear any blockages in its pathways. The therapy enables one's body to recognize sensitivities or intolerances (aka stressors), assisting in recovery from associated allergy-like symptoms, without the use of needles or drugs.

“She said I should check it out and I was certainly open to that because I was starting to explore alternative therapies at that time.” Kory says. “I tried BIE and it worked! I was able to eat wheat and gluten – it cured me. It quite literally changed my life and saved me.”

It was then that Kory decided she wanted to help others like herself. She began to go to school to study nutrition, anatomy and BIE, eventually becoming certified in the delivery of BIE treatment.

Shortly there after the Ontario-based Kory decided to move to B.C. to start a life in Golden and open her business – Golden Clear.

“Since then, I have been on an expansive journey to learn about new ways of healing and different modalities and potentials,” she says. “Through my education and research, I have found and learned so much about how we can access healing on an energetic, physiological level. That eventually brought me to Dolores Cannon’s work and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT).”

Kory has gone on to take training to offer this therapy at Golden Clear. QHHT aims to reveal information unknown to the conscious mind of the subject that can uncover the root causes of both mental and physical afflictions, illnesses and phobias – therefore promoting healing.

Most recently, Kory has begun to study and offer advanced mediation therapy for healing purposes using the Lucia Light No*3 - a highly advanced meditation tool.

“Over the past while, I have really become aware of and inspired by the power of meditation,” she says, noting that she herself has experienced the amazing results of this therapy.

In the end, Kory says she is continuing to grow and learn, moving forward with her studies to learn about the synchronicities that exist in healing and overall health and wellness.

“My intention is and will always be to help people – whatever that looks like,” she says smiling. “Sometimes it’s complicated and sometimes it’s as simple as holding space for someone.”