Golden Wellness Centre

Golden, B.C. Canada.

7-802 9th Street North. V0A 1H0


Kory Monteith is a passionate advocate for health and wellness, dedicated to creating a harmonious space for individuals to thrive. As the founder and visionary behind the Golden Wellness Centre in Golden, BC, Kory has established a vibrant space that fosters connection, healing, and personal growth.

With a deep-rooted belief in the power of collaboration, Kory has cultivated a shared environment within the Golden Wellness Centre where health and wellness practitioners come together to provide comprehensive care. This innovative concept allows individuals to access a diverse range of modalities and expertise, all under one roof.

Kory's journey into the world of holistic wellness was inspired by her own transformative experiences. Recognizing the need for a holistic approach to well-being, she has curated a team of talented practitioners who offer a wide array of services to address the mind, body, and spirit.

The basis of the Golden Wellness Centre is to provide space for collaboration using the technology of Live and Dry Blood Analysis. 

Our case studies look at the affects of different alternative modalities before and after the sessions. This allows a comprehensive and satisfying view of the real physiological affects that energy medicine as well as emotional and spiritual practices have on our cellular structure and over all wellbeing. 

Among the unique offerings at the Golden Wellness Centre are Lucia Light Meditations, which provide a profound experience of relaxation, inner exploration, and spiritual connection. Sound healing with gongs, crystal bowl, and tuning forks offer the power of sound vibrations to restore balance and harmony, promoting deep relaxation and stress relief.

Kory is also a certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy practitioner, guiding individuals to explore past lives, access their subconscious mind, and release emotional blockages. Her sessions empower clients to tap into their innate wisdom, facilitating profound healing and personal growth.

Another transformative modality available at the Golden Wellness Centre is Reconnective Healing, a powerful form of energy healing that supports physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Kory offers this holistic approach to restore balance and activate the body's natural healing abilities.

Holistic Allergy Testing and Symptom Elimination is yet another innovative service provided by Kory. By addressing the root causes of allergies and sensitivities, she helps individuals overcome their symptoms and achieve optimal wellness.

Also providing the ITeraHertz Wand- Quantum Blue Light Technology. Tera Hertz technology is the latest revolution from the world of advanced healing.

Kory Monteith's dedication to providing a nurturing environment for individuals to heal, grow, and thrive has made the Golden Wellness Centre a new and revolutionary concept and collaborative healing space.