
Live Blood Analysis, also known as live cell microscopy, is a practice where we examine a small drop of your blood under a high-powered microscope that is connected to a screen. Examining the blood on a screen, we look at your red and white blood cells, plasma, and other details to determine the health of your blood and your body overall.

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Live Blood Analysis

Lucia Light No*3 

Is a hypnogogic light machine. It is not medical treatment or therapeutic device. The Lucia Light No*3 is a highly advanced meditation tool. The pulsing white LED lights activate the pineal gland, creating theta and gamma brain wave states. Allowing the traveler to fall into deep meditative states in a matter of minutes without practice or training. 
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Holistic Intolerance / Allergy Testing

Through muscle testing we can detect what emotional and physical substances the cells are not recognizing and where in the body the stress is holding. Then we can get to the root of the issue to understand and eliminate the stress.
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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)

 Through relaxation and visualization the individual can access information from their own higher state of consciousness. In this way the individual can access the knowledge that is appropriate for them to have to heal their own body of physical and emotional stresses and ailments. 
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